Sunday, August 19, 2012

Kurma Rice (a.k.a cheater's biryani)

I love a well-prepared biryani but it is time-consuming. While not exactly the same, this "Kurma Rice" is just as fragrantly spiced, addictive (seriously, i have been caught sneaking spoonfuls directly from the fridge... it somehow tastes better as a leftover) and so much quicker/easier to whip up.

Kurma Rice (adapted from Maggi, original recipe here)

2 cups rice, preferably basmati
2 cups water
3 tablespoons ghee
1 large onion, finely sliced
Some garlic, chopped
1 small knob ginger, sliced
1 packet Maggi kurma powder or about 5 tablespoons kurma powder
200ml milk
1 box raisins
1 cinnamon stick
4 cardamom
1 star anise
5 cloves
2 bay leaves
Salt to taste

1. Wash and drain rice. Heat up ghee in a wok and saute spices (cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, cloves, bay leaves) as well as onions, garlic and ginger. 
2. Once fragrant and onions are translucent, add in the rice and mix well.
3. Transfer mix to a rice cooker. Stir in water, kurma powder, milk, salt and leave to cook. 
4. When the rice has cooked, stir in raisins (and nuts if you like) and leave covered for 10 minutes before serving.

 p/s: I prefer a stronger spiced rice, so I added extra spices compared to the original recipe.

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