Childhood memories of bread
Bread liberally sprinkled with milo
Bread doused with condensed milk
Cheese toasties
Banana and peanut butter bread
In that order, were some of my fave kindergarten, recess and after-tuition tea-time at grandma's "snacks". Unfortunately, item number one, two and three eventually got "banned" by mom when she caught on but there were times when dearest papa gave in and snuck it in...
While I was reminiscing, I got curious if other foodies got childhood memories with such simple food (and prob something most of us won't think of eating now, thanks to it being sugar and calorie laden) so I quizzed the peeps at LeftOver Queen's forum. The answers were interesting and intriguing (mostly cos I hadn't heard of some of them before)...
Here are some of the votes:
- Toasted ripe tomato sandwiches with mayo
- grandma's Lemon Delight (this was popular)
- Fluffernutter (a type of marshmallow spread)
- Fresh peach ice cream, graham crackers with butter, blueberries off the bush
- Poor Man's Swiss Steak
- Mac N Cheese with hotdogs cut up
- Bubble Gum ice cream
- Cheap vanilla ice cream with chocolate covered graham crackers to dip with
So what are your childhood faves? Would love to hear from the Asian foodies...
Sugar on your bread?