Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mushroom Salad

I lurve mushrooms. Which is a direct contrast to my dad who hated them and thus, I had more than enough mushroom rejects passed on my plate. This easy peasy daisy dish is a more recent fave - especially packed cold for lunch and eaten in front of my PC at work during a busy day.

Mushroom Salad
A variety of mushrooms - White Oyster, shitake, straw, enoki, portobello, fresh button etc
Roasted Garlic
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Fresh thyme or any other herb to your preference
Pepper & Salt to taste

Saute mushrooms till soft with olive oil, herbs and salt. Leave to cool. In a bowl, smush roasted garlic cloves with olive oil till you get a creamy concoction. Throw in mushrooms and drizzle balsamic vinegar. Add freshly ground pepper and toss well.

1 comment:

MrOrph said...

Nice dish! This one is a keeper. I heart mushrooms!!!